Posted at 17:25h
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Dear clients and friends:
On October 16, 2019, a decree was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation creating the Federal Civil Aviation Agency ("FCAA"), a decentralized administrative organization of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation ("MCT"). The decree enters into force on the day following its publication.
The purpose of the FCAA will be, among other things, to establish, supervise, operate and control the provision of air transportation, airport, complementary and commercial services, highlighting the following powers:
- To propose public policies and programs in the field of civil aviation and airports;
- Exercise the aeronautical authority and issue resolutions;
- Submit concession requests for consideration (their granting will continue to be the exclusive power of the MCT);
- Supervise the compliance with the conditions of the concessions, and propose their modification, expiration, revocation, rescue or requisition;
- Declare the suspension of the operation of aircrafts;
- Verify that the concessionaires maintain their legal, technical, administrative and financial capacity on a permanent basis;
- Issue, control, suspend and revoke licenses and certificates of competency of aeronautical personnel;
- Interpreting the regulations for administrative purposes;
- Negotiate and execute applicable International Treaties;
- Establish, monitor and modify air traffic operation;
- Issue and cancel registrations and airworthiness certificates, being responsible for the Mexican Aeronautical Registry;
- Exercise the powers of the MCT with respect to rates and prices in civil aviation, airport and related services; and
- Proposing the creation of Mexican Official Standards.
We remain at your service in case you wish to receive further information.