
  • Counseling a global automotive company in connection with collective actions in Mexico.
  • Representing a global automotive company in a litigation arising from the termination of a distributor in Mexico.
  • Representing a European automotive company in various litigation matters related to a financial subsidiary in Mexico.
  • Representation of a global automotive company in amparos and commercial and administrative litigation in connection with its operations in Mexico.
  • Representation of a multinational automotive industry company in class actions related to the sale of motor vehicles.


  • Attorneys for the largest Mexican airline by passenger volume in a multi-millionaire claim for damages arising from alleged discrimination during a recruitment process.
  • Attorneys for the largest Mexican airline by passenger volume in a multi-millionaire claim for damages arising from alleged breach of contract. The case was discussed before the Supreme Court of Justice in Mexico.
  • Attorneys for American and Irish companies in claims against a Mexican airline for breach of various aircraft leasing agreements.
  • Representation of a Mexican airline in class actions related to the public service of national and international regular passenger air transportation.


  • Representation of a global energy company in multiple amparo trials related to the construction of a gas pipeline in Mexico, these amparos were related to an arbitration where the counterpart in the dispute was the Federal Electricity Commission.
  • Administrative litigation and amparos against various Mexican energy sector authorities in connection with rules and authorizations for a renewable energy project.
  • Representation of an important company in connection with a dispute regarding the construction of a power plant (ICC, Spanish, Mexico).
  • Representation of a Mexican public company in one of the largest international construction arbitrations in Latin America, under the rules of the ICC with claims of over $1 billion dollars in connection with an oil sector project in Mexico (reconfiguration of a refinery, construction of pipelines, etc.) and in the subsequent proceedings for the annulment of the award before the Mexican courts in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (ICC, Spanish, Mexico).
  • Representation of a Canadian oil and gas company in an arbitration administered by the London International Court of Arbitration (LCIA, English, Mexico). The case was reported by the press in Mexico.
  • Representation of a Mexican energy company in an administrative termination procedure, as well as in the conciliation procedure for acquisitions, leases, services and public works.


  • Representation of banks, investment funds and other local and international financial institutions in several litigations before Mexican courts.
  • Representation of banks in litigation related to their role as trust institutions.
  • Representation of a financial lessee in a complex litigation against the leasing company where both the trustee bank and other lessees participated as parties.
  • Representation of a global bank in litigation related to their restructuring of a loan in excess of $100 million, documented through an irrevocable administration and payment trust.
  • Representation of a bank in its capacity as trustee in connection with a trial arising from a multi-millionaire credit where the plaintiff requested interim measures against the trustee, as well as the termination of the trust and the liability of the trustee.
  • Representation of a brokerage house in connection with trials related to the issuance of stock certificates.
  • Representation of one of the largest banks in Mexico in connection with high value and complex credits documented by mortgages, pledges of assets and shares (with and without transfer of possession) as well as certificates of deposit.
  • Advising a financial institution on preventive litigation aspects in connection with issues of stock market debt backed by state taxes.
  • Representation of a surety company in litigation related to bond issued to guarantee clients’ obligations in the construction sector.
  • Representation of a global bank in its capacity as an Indentur Trustee in connection with the bankruptcy proceedings with prior restructuring agreement of the following companies in México: Metrofinanciera, Geo, Urbi and Famsa.

Real Estate

  • Representation in Mexico of an international real estate developer in a cross-border title insurance litigation.
  • Representation of a U.S. real estate company in a lawsuit involving insured damages caused by Hurricane Wilma in the Rivera Maya.
  • Representation of two Spanish real estate companies in an arbitration regarding the construction of a luxury real estate development in Mexico (CANACO, Spanish, Mexico).
  • Representation of a U.S. real estate company in an arbitration relating to the development of a luxury beach residential project in Mexico (ICDR, English, Mexico).


  • Representation of a multinational U.S. company and Mexico’s largest retailer in a multi-millionaire commercial litigation for breach of a contract for the sale of merchandise.
  • Representation of a U.S. multinational company and Mexico’s largest retailer in a multi-millionaire tort litigation.

Consumer products and services

  • Representation of a multinational company in the personal hygiene industry regarding the validity and damages for breach of a distribution contract in Central America (UNCITRAL, Mexico, Spanish).
  • Consulting to several multinational companies in the consumer products sector on collective actions in Mexico.
  • Representation of a global tobacco company against monetary fines imposed by the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks in Mexico.
  • Representing a Swedish multinational company in the personal care industry in a commercial trial against the Mexican federal government under a purchase agreement.
  • Representation of a multinational company in the paper industry in an arbitration against a Central American company for damages caused by breach of contract and violations of laws (Ad-hoc, Spanish, Mexico).
  • Defense of various suppliers of goods and services in claims of misleading advertising for alleged violations of the law and Official Mexican Standards.
  • Advising a multinational company in the tobacco industry on class actions related to the availability of alternative tobacco products in the market.

Insurance and reinsurance

  • Representation of an insurance company in an indirect amparo proceeding and appeal for review against regulatory laws that imposed various administrative burdens on life insurance companies.
  • Representation of an American transportation company in a lawsuit related to insured damages caused to a wind turbine.
  • Representation of a U.S. real estate company in a lawsuit involving insured damages caused by Hurricane Wilma in the Rivera Maya.
  • Representation of an American hotel industry corporation in connection with its rights arising from title insurance on a large estate in the Rivera Maya.
  • Legal advice to a U.S. law firm in connection with damages caused by a landslide to two reinsured hydroelectric plants in the Mexican, U.S., European and English markets.
  • Representation of a Scandinavian company against acts of the Mexican government due to the improper application of regulations in the insurance field.
  • Advising an insurance company in connection with a vessel accident at marina in a Mexican port.
  • Representation in Mexico of an international real estate developer in a cross-border title insurance litigation.


  • Representation of a global parcel services company in a multi-millionaire arbitration relating to its operations in Latin America (ICC, English, Panama – hearings on Miami).
  • Representation of a major shipping company in an arbitration relating to a stock purchase agreement (ICC, Spanish, Mexico).
  • Representation of an international port Company in a $300 million dollars arbitration relating to the construction of a port terminal in the Mexican Pacific under the FIDIC yellow book (ICC, English, New York).
  • Representation of a transnational company in the railroad industry in an arbitration on damages caused by a fire in an industrial plant (CANACO, Mexico, Spanish).
  • Representation of a Mexican company against the concessionaire of the Cancun international airport and a contractor in connection with the construction of the terminal 4 of said airport.
  • Litigation against the concessionaire of the “Metrobus” in Mexico City and the government of Mexico City in a claim for moral damages.
  • Representation of a Mexican Company against the Mexico City government in connection with the construction of sanitary facilities in the public transportation system.
  • Representation of a U.S. transportation industry company in a lawsuit involving insured damage to a wind turbine.
  • Representation of the world’s largest container and supply vessel operator in various commercial litigation matters for breach of multimodal transportation contract.

Pro bono

  • Representation of an international non-governmental organization in a lawsuit over the censorship of advertising in public spaces in the Mexico City Metro, Metrobus and Light Rail.
  • Litigation of family and property matters in support of foundations for the legal defense of low-income persons.


  • Representation of a telecommunications company in administrative litigation against resolutions of authorities and regulatory agents of the telecommunications market in Mexico.
  • Representation of a telecommunications group in several millionaire claims for material damages and moral damages for violation of intellectual property rights.
  • Representation of a French company in an investment arbitration against Mexico for violations to the IPPA between Mexico and France in connection with its participation in a satellite concession (ICSID Additional Facility).
  • Representation of a U.S. company in the telecommunications sector in an administrative amparo and several appeals derived from it in connection with the number portability rules issued by the Federal Telecommunications Institute.
  • Representation of a company with global presence in a nullity action derived from various provisions on cellular telephony.
  • Defense of various companies in the telecommunications sector against the imposition of interim measures of suspension of marketing and provisions of services, immobilization of goods and closure of establishments.
  • Defense of a leading telecommunications company in Mexico in administrative litigation arising from various complaints regarding alleged misleading advertising by its competitors.
  • Representation of a U.S. company in the telecommunications sector in an administrative amparo and several appeals derived from it in connection with the number portability rules issued by the Federal Telecommunications Institute.

Software and Technology

  • Representation of a global software and technology company in an arbitration regarding the implementation of an ERP software (CANACO, English, Mexico).
  • Representation of an Australian company in the traffic control and law enforcement industry in a dispute against its distributors in Mexico.
  • Representation of an international software company in a lawsuit against a bank owned by the government of Mexico in connection with the implementation of a banking software.
  • Representation of a U.S. company in the internet industry in a commercial lawsuit over a $2.7 billion dollars claim filed by a Mexican yellow pages company. The case also involved related lawsuits in New York and Los Angeles.
  • Representation of a multinational company in the data recording industry in various administrative amparo trials against the intervention, administration, requisition and subsequent revocation of a federal concession.

Mining and metalworking

  • Representation of a U.S. transnational company in the minerals industry in a $29 million dollars lawsuit regarding an alleged breach of a distribution contract.
  • Representation of a multinational joint venture in the steel galvanizing industry in an arbitration related to the construction of its plant in Mexico (CAM, Mexico, English).

Media and entertainment

  • Representation of a company in the radio production industry in connection with the termination of a strategic alliance for breach of contract. Our client obtained a favorable award for over $21 million dollars (ICC, Mexico, Spanish).
  • Representation of a Mexican film distribution company in a proceeding. Concerning distribution rights in Latin America (IFTA, Los Angeles, English).
  • Representation of a client in a commercial litigation regarding the production of the most popular sports’ radio program in Mexico.
  • Representation of a leading Latin American entertainment and telecommunications company in a claim for damages arising from alleged copyright infringement.
  • Representation of a television broadcaster in a multimillionaire lawsuit for moral damages arising from alleged abuse of the right to freedom of expression.


  • Representation of an international port Company in a $300 million dollars arbitration relating to the construction of a port terminal in the Mexican Pacific under the FIDIC yellow book (ICC, English, New York).
  • Representing a major regional construction company in an arbitration administered by the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) relating to an infrastructure project in Central America (IACAC, Spanish, Panama).
  • Representation of a multinational joint venture in the steel galvanizing industry in an arbitration related to the construction of its plant in Mexico (CAM, Mexico, English).
  • Representation of an American real estate developer in an arbitration against the port authority of New York and New Jersey, for the reconstruction of the World Trade Center (Ad hoc, English, USA).
  • Representation of a major construction company in an arbitration against a subcontractor relating to a project for an industrial plant in Mexico under an open book and guaranteed maximum price contract (ICC, Spanish, Mexico).
  • Representation of an important company in connection with a dispute regarding the construction of a power plant (ICC, Spanish, Mexico).
  • Representation of a Mexican public company in one of the largest international construction arbitrations in Latin America under the rules of the ICC with claims in excess of $1 billion dollars in connection with an oil sector project in Mexico (reconfiguration of a refinery, construction of oil pipelines, etc.) and in the subsequent annulment proceedings before the Mexican courts and the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (ICC, Spanish, Mexico).
  • Representation of a Spanish company in a litigation related to the construction of a university campus in Mexico City.
  • Representation of a European construction company in litigation related to various projects in Mexico.
  • Representation of a Canadian oil and gas company in an arbitration administered by the London International Court of Arbitration (LCIA) in connection with the construction of a gas pipeline and related litigation before the Federal Courts in Mexico (LCIA, English, Mexico).
  • Representation of a Mexican company against the concessionaire of the Cancun international airport and a contractor in connection with the construction of the terminal 4 of said airport.
  • Representation of two Spanish real estate companies in an arbitration regarding the construction of a luxury real estate development in Mexico (CANACO, Spanish, Mexico).
  • Representation of a U.S. real estate company in an arbitration relating to the development of a luxury beach residential project in Mexico (ICDR, English, Mexico).

Food and Beverage

  • Representation of a leading global company in the agro-industrial sector against the Mexican company acting as its agent (broker) in relation to contracts for the supply of grain.
  • Representation of a global corporation in the corn starch industry in several administrative and amparo proceedings before federal courts in Mexico, challenging restrictions imposed by the Mexican government on the importation of yellow and fructose corn on the basis that such measures were in violation of the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
  • Representation of a transnational company olive oil producer in an international arbitration derived from the quality of supplies (Mexico, CANACO, Spanish).
  • Representation of an international chemical company for the food sector sanctioned by the Federal Competition Commission with the largest fine imposed so far, in a case of great relevance for both the Mexican Federal Competition Commission and the Mexican courts.
  • Representation of an international company in the fast food industry. We obtained an award in which the claim of more than 10 million dollars against our client was dismissed (AAA, México, English).


  • Representation of a major hotel company in an arbitration regarding a contractual dispute concerning the division of a hotel group and the rights of a timeshare club. The case was resolved in favor of the client through mediation (ICDR, Spanish, Mexico).
  • Representation of a U.S. real estate company in an arbitration relating to the development of a luxury beach residential project in Mexico (ICDR, English, Mexico).
  • Representation of a leading U.S. real estate company in an arbitration involving the purchase and sale of a hotel in Cancun (ICC, New York, English).
  • Representation of an international luxury hotel chain in an arbitration relating to the remodeling of a hotel in Mexico City (CANACO, Spanish, Mexico).

Waste treatment

  • Representation of a global corporation in the waste and hazardous substance management industry against several companies and individuals in Mexico in connection with the acquisition of several waste treatment facilities and other assets in Mexico.
  • Representation of a global corporation in the waste and hazardous substance management industry in administrative litigation against environmental agencies and other Mexican authorities in connection with fines and orders for the closure of an oil and gas industry solid waste treatment plant.

Health and pharmacist

  • Representation of an international pharmaceuticals company with a dispute regarding the breach of several warranties and unexposed liabilities derived from the purchase of a group of companies in several Latin American countries (ICC, English, New York).
  • Coordinated the review in Mexico, Guatemala and Colombia of documentation from subsidiaries of a global medical equipment company in connection with an anti-corruption investigation under the FCPA.
  • Representation of several individuals who suffered pecuniary and moral damages due to medical malpractice in cases involving millionaire claims.
  • Representation of a U.S. medical device company in litigation in Mexico against a business partner for violations of a joint venture agreement.
  • Representation of a dermatological and skin health products company in connection with litigation against its distributor in Mexico for violations of intellectual property rights, unfair competition and debts under a distribution agreement.